Getting ahead and staying ahead in today’s fast-changing world

Two sets of dynamics impact your technology agenda today, and each drives continuous change in the other. On the one hand demands from the business are constantly changing, while on the other the march of technology and new ways of exploiting it never stops. Against this background, success depends on looking ahead, anticipating developments on each side of the equation, and acting proactively.

Our Content:

IT Sustainability: Passive vs Active Gains

In the 20 odd years that I’ve been following developments in ‘Green IT’, the industry[...]

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Mainframe skills; time to flip the telescope around?

The more I learn about the world of mainframes, the more I find myself drawn[...]

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Breaking Free From Vendor Lock-in with Managed Services

As organisations become more intertwined with their key IT vendors, they may find themselves in[...]

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S/4HANA Migration: Is Selective Transformation the Answer?

The last big market survey carried out by Freeform Dynamics on SAP migration was completed[...]

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IT transformation fatigue? Time to bust those big bang blues

As an industry analyst, you always want your questions answered openly, confidently and convincingly when[...]

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The IT Sustainability Paradox

IT leaders today often find themselves grappling with a perplexing situation. On one hand, they[...]

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Mainframes and workload placement: Time for a dose of objectivity?

When Tony Lock and I interviewed Reg Harbeck, Chief Strategist at Mainframe Analytics Ltd, it[...]

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What are you doing to ensure your IT suppliers work for you?

Navigating the Complex IT Supplier Landscape in 2024 It is a truism that IT evolves[...]

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The mainframe skills crunch; an outsider vs insider perspective

During my career, I’ve worked hands-on with a great many operating systems, programming languages, mainstream[...]

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Taking IT Cost Tracking and FinOps to the next level

A CIO I interviewed recently told me candidly: “It’s always a bit nerve wracking when[...]

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Mainframe Skills: Challenge or Opportunity?

People in mainframe circles have been talking about skills development and succession planning ever since[...]

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IT Governance for Today and Tomorrow: Minimum Viable Principles

Introduction The traditional one-size-fits-all approach to IT governance, particularly in relation to data, is becoming[...]

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It’s Time to Raise the Bar on Observability

Observability has come a long way in the last 30 years

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The politics and practicalities of sustainable IT

A senior leadership perspective

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Making supplier management work better

68 IT leaders provide their insights

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Optimising your supplier base for 2024

    Other infographics in this series are Making supplier management work better and Getting[...]

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Getting the most from your key suppliers

    Other infographics in this series are Making supplier management work and Optimising your[...]

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Evaluating the Potential of Hyper-Converged Storage

What to consider when planning for modern IT and the hybrid cloud era

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What does “Investment in Generative AI” actually mean?

I’ve found myself in a number of conversations recently where the discussion has turned to[...]

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Custom chatbots and model gardens: putting Private AI to work

Part 2: More to think about It’s essential to decide where to run your Private[...]

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Understanding the rise and role of Private AI

Part 1: AI hype vs fear and doubt The leakage of proprietary IP and other[...]

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Kubernetes as an enterprise multi-cloud enabler

Building out your environment to create a full lifecycle delivery platform

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A straightforward look at SAP master data automation

If you’re knee-deep in the world of SAP and data management, you almost certainly know[...]

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Automation of SAP Master Data Management

Solving the dirty data dilemma and laying the foundations for continuous change and optimisation

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Time to sound the alarm as AI hype catches fire

One of the most worrying things that’s coming out of recent research

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It’s time to look again at IT and Software Asset Management

In the realm of IT administration, it’s all too easy to get stuck in familiar[...]

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An AI crash is coming: don’t let it drag you down

All the signs are there that an AI crash is coming: overinflated claims and dodgy[...]

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Want to become a data-driven organisation? Start thinking differently about change management

Need a strong data strategy? Look for a CDO who’s a change manager and data[...]

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Tackling the software skills crunch

How IT leaders grow their software engineering resources

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Just because it’s innovative, doesn’t make it good!

One of my hobbyhorses at the moment is how words and adjectives that ought to[...]

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The key to future IT success is a switch to managing services, not systems

For most of the history of commercial IT, system design has focused on meeting the[...]

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Are tech vendors pulling their weight on fixing fragmented IT?

Many organisations have silo’d data and fragmented IT systems, but

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Standardized solution implementation services

Shorten time-to-value, reduce costs and risks, and future-proof your investment

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Trust: easy to lose, hard to recover

Here are just a few of the topics that my fellow Freeformers and I have[...]

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IT Financial Management Revisited

Time for a smarter and more joined-up approach

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Dealing with the growing problem of edge and IoT sprawl

Amidst all the hype regarding the massive growth potential for IoT

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The global information access opportunity

Making a business case for investment in modern file data management

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Getting real about IT sustainability

From good intentions to tangible results through smart systems selection

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Have you made the right platform choices to minimise risk?

Critical systems have to run and run…

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Getting the most from IT suppliers

100 CIOs tell us their frustrations, needs and wants

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The IT Transformation Imperative

Driving meaningful change to make tangible difference

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To maximise potential, mainframers must reach out and engage

The team here has always had immense respect for the mainframe community

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From multiple clouds to multi-cloud

Time to strengthen your cloud operating model

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Kubernetes and the open-source maintainer question

While much of October's KubeCon-CloudNativeCon North America

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S/4HANA without compromise

A modern ERP architecture needs a powerful and future-proof platform

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VMware’s breadth and depth impresses, but is it still a safe bet?

At the recent VMware Explore conference in Barcelona

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Supporting the needs of highly unpredictable workloads

It’s all about flexibility, scalability and cost effectiveness

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The modern SD-WAN advantage

Even if you run an SD-WAN today, it’s time to check what’s new

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Manufacturers in a world of constant change

Why ERP modernization could yield the ESG and Industry 4.0 synergies that you need

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Has the cloud caught up with the mainframe?

Yes, you read that right

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Like a teenager, Kubernetes looks almost grown-up, yet still a bit awkward and confused

Platform: that’s the key word that sprung to mind after attending Kubecon

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Frustrated with your company’s cloud obsession?

What goes around, comes around

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‘Traditional’ is not a dirty word

Sometimes ‘new’ and ‘disruptive’ really doesn’t make sense

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Linux and sustainability

The emerging role of modern, high-scale consolidation platforms

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The Post-Pandemic CIO

Views on leadership, communication and engagement

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Hybrid working isn’t turning out as expected

Last year, as companies recognised both the value of face-to-face interaction

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Modernizing the digital workplace

Accelerating your desktop delivery in the post-pandemic era

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CIOs plans for 2022

Priorities and interests

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Is the commodity server bandwagon running out of steam?

The term “paradigm shift” gets flung about far too much in IT, but we may[...]

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One SSD to ruler them all

Why the new EDSFF storage format is hot stuff – and what else you need[...]

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Why does ransomware still work?

As someone who first encountered ransomware during the last millennium

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Ransomware teaches the importance of data protection

Several years ago, around the time that ransomware attacks started making the front pages

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Having trouble overcoming the S/4HANA confidence gap?

As John Lennon and Yoko Ono didn't quite sing

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Got a strong story to tell? Don’t settle for a place in the chorus

Have you lost your voice? Or is the market just not hearing you?

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Has Windows 11 strengthened the case for Chromebooks?

Analyst Opinion: I was left with two overriding thoughts

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Forget the ‘free’ software, the real value of open-source is the collaboration

Analyst Opinion: It’s a cliché, but why are we still reinventing wheels?

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Customer and employee experience

Time to join the dots

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Is it a Suite, Package, Bundle or Platform?

People have been selling collections of products and tools for centuries, and with the advent[...]

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Is ‘suite’ becoming a dirty word?

How much attention do you pay to the pros and cons of software and service[...]

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Windows 11: could this ‘feel good’ update actually help IT pros?

Much has been written about Windows 11, and many YouTube videos have been published. If[...]

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Where vendors too often go wrong: SMBs need enterprise-grade IT too

For far too long now, many vendors seem to have assumed that the IT requirements[...]

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SMB-friendly IT solutions are needed

Your business deserves more than a cut-down enterprise offering

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Remember when Agile was treated with suspicion?

Throwback Thursday: When we researched the topic of Agile development back in 2008

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Is IT investment handled better now than a decade ago?

Throwback Thursday: People like to think that the way IT works with business has changed

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Achieving success with your S/4HANA proof of concept (POC)

What to consider when selecting platforms, tools and services

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Should Telcos become more like Amazon?

An integration and automation perspective

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Are Your Crucial Database Workloads Ready for the Public Cloud?

How to Choose the Right Cloud Data Option for Your Business

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The allure of the log-in-anywhere desktop

How can organisations simplify desktop management if we all still want our own devices?

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Of cats and clouds

A lifetime TCO question

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The business need for simpler storage

What to consider when planning for modern IT in the hybrid cloud era

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So many ways to pay for IT

Which best suits your needs?

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The SMB solution selection challenge

It's all too easy for smaller businesses to get caught out

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The business change agenda

Throwback Thursday: Research carried out in 2011

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How to boost supplier commitment without spending more money

Time to tune into those non-revenue goals

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Private cloud in contexts old and new

Throwback Thursday: What a difference a decade can make

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The importance of modern data archiving

In today’s business world, the value of archiving is greater than ever

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Remember when cloud was going to kill the IT channel?

Throwback Thursday: taking a regular stroll in the Freeform Dynamics archives. 

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Has the data centre of the future already arrived?

Throwback Thursday: Predicting the future back in 2012

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Self-Service IT Delivery

From opportunity to strategic imperative?

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Planning your journey to modern apps and Hybrid IT

Platform choices remain important

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Covid quick fix payback time

How long will people put up with the emergency fixes?

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The data-driven business – Infographic

The maturity perspective

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Defining your SAP modernization journey

Quick wins on the road to S/4HANA

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Dispelling the myth of the industry-standard server

What you thought you knew has changed

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Identity and access management revisited

A changing world demands simplification and an urgent focus on security

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The Hybrid IT imperative Infographic

Building a foundation for digital transformation

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Hyper-converged has come of age Infographic

Modern infrastructure options are now integral to service delivery

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The road to becoming a data-driven business

How ready is your organization for insight-enabled digital transformation?

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Modernizing database technology stacks

How many different database technologies are you running, how up to date are they, and[...]

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Taming your information sprawl with cloud data management

An Evaluation Guide for Business

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Seeking storage flexibility, scalability and automation

Can Software Defined Storage provide some answers?

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Modern Data Protection Revisited

Business advantage is all about ensuring access to data

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It is time to reconsider Server Based Storage

What you thought you knew about storage has changed

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Modernizing database technology stacks

Remember the storage upgrade option

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The Agile Intelligent Enterprise: Making the Business Case for SAP S/4HANA

Clever Planning for a Successful Migration

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S/4HANA Revisited

Has the time now come for SAP’s next-generation application environment to go mainstream?

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Key factors in the network security buying decision

How – and why – network security professionals select solutions and suppliers

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Network security in the spotlight

Understanding why it can go wrong is key to making the right investment decisions

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Hyper-converged has come of age

Modern infrastructure options are now integral to service delivery

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The Hybrid IT Platform Imperative

Building a solid systems foundation for digital transformation

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From data migration to VM mobility

Analyst Blog: We need to think differently about data migration

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Making server decisions for hybrid IT

If you think hybrid IT renders your server knowledge obsolete, think again

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How hybrid IT changes your data journey

Hybrid IT drives a shift in storage thinking from capacity to service

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Can integrated systems help build hybrid IT?

Things to know when planning your hybrid future

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Golden Copy Storage

What, why, when and how?

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Turning the tables on cloud service providers

Experienced customers are now calling the shots

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2019 – The war between the business and IT is fake news

Some writers love a battle – or at least, the idea of one. So they[...]

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HCI and Hybrid Cloud

Will HCI be part of the answer or part of the problem?

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Storage and Data Center Evolution

The role of NVMe and NVMe-oF

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Storage Investment Woes

Analyst Blog

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The real value of NVMe is end-to-end

Analyst Blog Although much is made of NVMe’s role as the modern successor to SAS[...]

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Are you ready for NVMe?

Analyst Blog IT has always been hit by marketing waves that speak of new systems[...]

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NVMe – The State of Play

Is the new protocol ready to take the storage world by storm?

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HCI solutions & SAP HANA

Modern systems for modern software

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The economics of old virtualisation platforms

Time to start regarding them as legacy?

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Reboot your future

Shaping a new multi-cloud solution

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Refresh your thinking

You've got a platform problem

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Digital workspace disasters and how to beat them

New roles for user management and app deployment in the digital workspace

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Data Centre Evolution

Will HCI change how we design and build core IT systems? The way we build[...]

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The fall and rise of the Mono-socket Server

Why cores matter as much as sockets Things are different on the desktop, but in[...]

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The Audio Networking Jigsaw

What you need to know as an IT professional

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Taking vSphere into the future

Which route – Converged, Hyper-converged or DIY?

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The Economics of Application Platforms

Don’t let anarchy or false economies hold back future-proof transformation

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The Application Complexity Monster

Do you really want to keep feeding it?

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Storage in the Era of NVMe

An Evaluation Guide for IT Teams As an IT professional dealing with storage, you will[...]

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Choice in a Shifting Landscape

A Business Perspective on Enterprise Storage in the Age of Flash and NVMe As you[...]

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The truth about software reliability

Research results: It's not just about quality

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NVMe: a fresh start for storage

It’s time for a real change, not just iterative AFA evolution

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Operational Feedback and People

The overlooked element of DevOps

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Digital Transformation Practicalities

Lessons from Leonardo

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Dealing with the GDPR Challenge Infographic

The catalyst for a move to modern data protection

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All-in-one Data Protection

Taking the pain out of information management

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GDPR: the Security Dimension

Information security, governance and regulation in harmony

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Fast Track to Enterprise Cloud

Integrated platforms as a route to digital readiness

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How Agile and DevOps enable digital readiness and transformation

In today’s world, software is everywhere – and it is spreading fast. Once it was[...]

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Data Management for a Digital World

Turn GDPR compliance and ransomware defence to your advantage

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Microsoft presents its quantum computing credentials

Thoughts from the Future Decoded event

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The politics and practicalities of IT procurement

Is cloud becoming a strategic disrupter?

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A cloud for all seasons

Open source PaaS ready for prime time?

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The Impact of Automation on IT Operations Infographic

Are you ready for the software-defined datacentre?

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CFO Technology Investment Guide Infographic

Why prioritise storage modernisation

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The Enterprise Cloud Imperative

Have cloud investments to date laid a good enough foundation for the future, or is[...]

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The Impact of Automation on IT Operations

Over three quarters of those surveyed in a recent multi-national study said the pressure on[...]

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Storage modernisation

An evaluation and decision guide for IT teams

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Investing in data storage

A guide for business executives

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A Finance Perspective on Storage Investments

Getting past ‘No’ with your CFO

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Don’t Let an Outdated Software Strategy Hold You Back

Yesterdays software delivery processes are not up to dealing with today’s demands, but modernising you[...]

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Modern Storage for Small and Mid-Sized Businesses

Advanced solutions deliver SMBs power and simplicity

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Application Platforms Matter

Cloud services are increasingly becoming part of the IT delivery mix, but a recent study[...]

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Datacentre Strategy and Evolution

Despite the advent to cloud computing the datacentre remains central to corporate IT. But with[...]

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DevOps and Cloud Computing

Many are exploiting cloud computing to drive business advantage, while others are enjoying the flexibility[...]

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The 2nd Generation All-Flash Opportunity Infographic

  Content Contributors: Dale Vile & Jack Vile

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IT Ops doesn’t matter? Really?

Listen to some DevOps evangelists talk, and you would get the impression that IT operations[...]

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Digital Workplace Transformation

The business context for Windows 10 in financial services There is a digital divide at[...]

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The trouble with business executives…

When IT teams and their colleagues within the business get along, life is good for[...]

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The Green Data Centre – Myth or Reality

Every few years, core IT infrastructure issues surge into visibility on the corporate radar. Often,[...]

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The power management skills gap

A recent survey by Freeform Dynamics of 320 senior data centre professionals reveals that datacentre[...]

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The Enterprise Flash Imperative

From expensive luxury to essential enabler

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Five years later, the hybrid cloud is real

When we surveyed over 300 IT and business professionals back in 2011 on their attitudes[...]

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Getting all-flash storage investment approved

We are at an interesting time in the all-flash storage array market

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Technology as a catalyst for cultural change

Time for a more inspirational approach?

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Managing Cloud Complexity

The emerging role of converged services

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Unleashing the full potential of all-flash arrays

The network is part of the system too

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IT Decision-Making in the Digital Age

Making the right technology investments in today’s fast moving digital age can mean the difference[...]

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Desktop budget wrangles

Whose device is it anyway?

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Cloud computing reality check

Introduction: Is cloud really a kind of magic? Many have positioned cloud computing as the[...]

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Poor capacity planning is not our fault

Sysadmins explain why things are so crap

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Will hyper-converged infrastructure kill traditional storage?

In a nutshell Deciding which direction to take with your storage purchasing is a tough[...]

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Protecting data in your hyper-converged environment

In a nutshell Hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI) has been gaining popularity as a way of simplifying[...]

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All-flash storage uncertainty and doubt

In a nutshell All-flash arrays are arguably coming of age, but in an early market,[...]

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IT Ops as a Digital Business Enabler

Some argue that IT operations doesn’t matter anymore; it’s all about developers. Our aim in[...]

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Digital transformation initiatives hampered by poor ICT skills

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) recently published a report detailing the results of an[...]

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Managed Services in the Data Centre

From stability to agility Data centres have been around a long time during which various[...]

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Everyone’s talking about Dedupe

In a nutshell Storage is a very hot topic in every data centre and computer[...]

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The Impact of Cloud on IT Teams

We often hear that cloud computing dramatically reduces the need for in-house IT teams, and[...]

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Digital Disrupters do it to Themselves

The word ’digital’ seems to have overtaken ’cloud’ as the hottest word in the IT[...]

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Capacity planning in an age of agile and on-demand IT

Capabilities are still far from ideal

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Taking DevOps to the Next Level

It’s all about continuous delivery

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A higher impact approach to IT investment

In a nutshell You may have doubts about the value for money or level of[...]

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The dangers of digital smokescreens

A recent global study (1,442 senior respondents) revealed that those reporting particularly good returns from[...]

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If you think DevOps is BS, you may be a victim of bandwagon marketing

I’ve been coming across more DevOps naysayers and sceptics recently. Whether online or face-to-face, I[...]

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Readers of The Register speak out on Thin Client technology

Managing PC estates is a time-consuming, expensive and thankless task. Better provisioning and management tools[...]

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Thin Client Devices Revisited

Technology best forgotten or time for a renaissance?

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Assembling the DevOps Jigsaw

The world we live in is increasingly digital. As the smart use of technology leads[...]

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Exploiting the Software Advantage

Advances in digital technology create significant opportunities to transform both customer engagement and business operations.[...]

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Infrastructure Readiness Temperature Check

IT infrastructures are often coping pretty well with current business requirements, but many IT professionals[...]

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User-Centric Mobile Security

Not so long ago, many were speculating that ‘Bring Your Own Device’ (BYOD) would define[...]

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Future Proofing Your Network

Network traffic flows have become pretty complex in today’s distributed business environment, and not just[...]

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Mobile Working without the Tears

As both company and personally owned mobile devices are increasingly used in business, understanding and[...]

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Orchestrating the DevOps Tool Chain

A great deal has been written about how trends in digital communication and engagement are[...]

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Data Virtualisation for DevOps

The DevOps movement is supported by a whole range of tools, and is particularly well[...]

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Justifying end user computing investments

In a nutshell Device proliferation and loss of control over at least some end user[...]

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Strategic DevOps Adoption

An interesting remark I heard at a recent CIO gathering was “DevOps is the first[...]

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Eight Best Practices for Cloud Security

There’s been a lot of FUD spread around in recent years on the subject of[...]

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Virgin Media Business and its SMB proposition

Over the years, I have grown increasingly sceptical about the ability of most Telcos to[...]

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The ’feel-good’ factor is good for business

People who feel good while doing their job tend to work better, contribute more and[...]

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Devices, recruitment and staff retention

In a nutshell Some say it’s not possible to recruit and retain good staff nowadays[...]

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Build a DevOps culture

Everyone’s talking about DevOps, but not everyone can do it. This webcast covers the balance[...]

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Snooper-proofing laptops and tablets?

Given how important the company’s data is and the ever more stringent nature of the[...]

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A new approach to verifying user identity

By Tony Lock We all know that trying to authenticate our users when they access[...]

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Inertia has its virtues, but change is happening

As the old year draws to a close it’s time for CIOs and analysts to[...]

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Creating more harmony around end user computing

In a nutshell Tensions frequently arise between business units and the IT teams as users[...]

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Rethinking desktop delivery

In a nutshell Many IT professionals are weary of the relentless Windows upgrade spiral and[...]

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User flexibility without the risk

In a nutshell Most organisations are seeing users and business groups starting to make their[...]

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The Politics and Practicalities of End User Computing

With the phenomenal rise in the adoption of smartphones, tablets and other desirable devices, many[...]

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So what you gonna do about DevOps?

Having to deal with the ‘next big thing’ once or twice a year is a[...]

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Avoiding the runaway code train

More and more code, delivered faster and faster. According to many, that’s the imperative if[...]

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How much of your mainstream IT capacity does mobility consume?

Few doubt the increasing popularity of mobile devices, specifically smartphones and tablets. Their numbers grow[...]

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Flexible IT governance

We want flexibility but, if we’re not careful, we get governance confusion as well. In[...]

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Do more of your apps deserve better DR?

What does IT disaster recovery (DR) mean to you? Does it bring to mind racks[...]

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User desires versus business needs

Much has been written about the rise of user influence and power. Some of it[...]

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The IT vendor empathy gap

Industry analysts, CIOs and others involved in the IT decision making process are on the[...]

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Have you planned for a ’friendly’ DDoS attack?

Malicious Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks do not occur often. Nevertheless, for an enterprise[...]

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Accommodating increased user influence

Business people often complain that the IT department is not keeping up with their needs.[...]

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IT-Business Alignment Revisited

In some organisations, the tension between IT and business teams has come to a head[...]

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Social media and why businesses need to embrace it

As a teenager just entering the world of business I had to go through a[...]

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Wake up, grandad: All the techies use social media

Ever since I passed the big five-o, I have noticed more and more youngsters who[...]

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User Access – Time for a change?

User expectations and the range of devices they use to access IT systems are growing[...]

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Migrating to Windows Server 2012

Extended support for Windows Server 2003 ends on 14 July 2015, so you need to[...]

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End User Computing:

This paper is written for business executives and managers with an interest in how technology[...]

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Mobile security is more than protecting local data

By now we’ve all heard the term Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). This phenomenon is[...]

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What are APT’s?

What is an APT? APT stands for Advanced Persistent Threat. The goal of this form[...]

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Say What?

Recently I attended the IBM Security Systems Analyst Meet the Experts day in Heathrow. With[...]

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Security: the oft-forgotten dimension

Computer security is a hot topic today, and much talked about. There are endless emanations[...]

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Juggling Performance, Availability and Security

By Tony Lock A recent report from Freeform Dynamics illustrates that many corporate networks are[...]

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Controlling Application Access

Application performance, availability and security challenges are quietly creeping up in the context of internal[...]

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Predictions for 2014

My views on market developments in 2014 are not sensational, I’m afraid. I offer them[...]

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Will the CMO inherit the Earth?

By Dale Vile Two narratives concerning the CIO/CMO relationship are doing the rounds at the[...]

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Voice recognition in healthcare

By Dale Vile I first discovered dictation software back in 2001 when I ended up[...]

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Software Defined Networking (SDN) continues to move forwards

By Charles Brett and Tony Lock During an Analyst Briefing at the IBM Development Laboratory[...]

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Social Business and unknown unknowns

By Charles Brett At an Analyst Briefing in London in late September IBM described what[...]

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Device Proliferation and Data Fragmentation

By Tony Lock Bring your own device (BYOD) continues to attract considerable attention, but the[...]

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Clouds and the Data Centre weather forecast

By Tony Lock Enterprise Data Centres are complex collections of systems acquired over long spans[...]

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The End User Security Jigsaw

Organisations of all sizes are trying to understand the security implications of mobile working, device[...]

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The Data Protection Imperative

In this short paper, we spell out why the time has come to adopt a[...]

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Data Protection as a Business Enabler

While the importance of business information is almost universally recognised, few organisations have enjoyed either[...]

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Storage Anywhere and Everywhere

With more departmental applications, collaboration and sharing environments, and even cloud-based services, with access via[...]

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Don’t forget the desktop

By Dale Vile Ask anyone in the industry about the future of end user computing[...]

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DCIM and Energy Management

By Tony Lock Over several decades IT management has focussed almost exclusively on keeping servers[...]

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Speeding up ‘Change’

By Tony Lock For much of the last decade ‘IT’ has become something of a[...]

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Empowering your users the ‘right way’

By Tony Lock Many organisations say their people are among the most valuable assets they[...]

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Cloud is more about choice than hosting

By Dale Vile There’s a trick we use at Freeform Dynamics when trying to figure[...]

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To PaaS or not to PaaS – that is the question

By Dale Vile Most forms of cloud computing are starting to find their place in[...]

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Freedom without Anarchy

Empowering employees through the delegation of authority and trust can enhance innovation and productivity. But[...]

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Building the future proof datacentre

By Andrew Buss The last decade has seen massive leaps in performance and capability across[...]

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The next decade of data centre evolution

By Dale Vile To some, the mere concept of enterprise datacentres still being around in[...]

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The data centre in 2020

By Tony Lock There has never been a clearer understanding of how quickly business is[...]

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A Vision for the Data Centre

The death of on-premise IT as a result of hosted cloud services is greatly exaggerated.[...]

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Defragging your Datacentre

By Andrew Buss The world of business is becoming faster moving, more competitive and ever[...]

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Taming the procurement elephant

The cost of supplying IT services inside businesses has never been more visible with considerable[...]

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Martini induced client-server redux

By Dale Vile If you see the phrase ‘anytime, anyplace, anywhere’ in relation to mobile[...]

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Analytics and Big Data

By Tony Lock ‘Big Data’ is a hot topic receiving considerable attention from the marketing[...]

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Upping your game with Windows Server 2012

Andrew Buss met up with Chris Losch, from Newham Council, and Gary Collins, from Intercept[...]

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Why you need an interactive archive

Many organisations today only archive data when there is some external legislative driver forcing their[...]

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Electronic trading dogged by information issues

By Dale Vile How many suppliers and customers do you trade with in the average[...]

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Future-proofing the data centre

Dale Vile meets with Hewlett-Packard’s David Chalmers They discussed how recent innovations in server, storage[...]

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IT Service Management and Business Requirements

By Tony Lock A couple of years before terms such as “Cloud”, “Big Data” and[...]

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Bridging the great divide

By Andrew Buss At the Intel Developer Forum 2012 in San Francisco, Intel looked to[...]

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Data Entry and Device Control

By Tony Lock When computers were first created, all attention was centred on getting answers[...]

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Lack of Understanding inhibits adoption of Big Data

By Tony Lock Read any IT publication, online or hard copy, and it is hard[...]

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Social collaboration: From a faith-based to business-led approach

I have long been a sceptic of the ‘install it and they will figure out[...]

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Effective B2B Integration

The way in which organisations communicate and transact across supply and demand chains has a[...]

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What should CIOs be demanding of Storage Vendors?

In most organisations the acquisition of storage and its associated management tools was, until recently,[...]

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Personal Use of a Windows Tablet in Business – It’s ready for operational use

There is no doubt that “Tablet” devices and “Slates” are attracting a lot of attention[...]

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The Rise of User Centric IT – Is the consumerisation of IT a benefit to anyone?

There is a long history of end users wanting, or ‘needing’, to have ‘different’ tools[...]

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Private Cloud and Data Centre Evolution

Will every data centre become a cloud? As nearly everyone working in IT understands, things[...]

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Translating private cloud into customer requirements

Identifying the ingredients that make the difference for agile IT The term ‘Private Cloud’ is[...]

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Engineering IT for agility – Getting the foundations right

One of the certainties when it comes to running IT is that change is constant.[...]

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Does Microsoft need to change its policy on Windows upgrade pricing to drive tablet momentum?

Microsoft is unveiling a whole new generation of Windows on October 26th 2012, and significant[...]

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How representative is social media data for marketing analytics?

You don’t have to move in specialist digital marketing circles to have come across the[...]

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Data fragmentation challenges restrict business flexibility

Business must be ready to respond to rapidly changing market conditions. For any organisation to[...]

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Siloed approach to IT security increases business risk

It is said that the technology at the heart of IT changes at a bewildering[...]

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Private Cloud and IT Service Delivery

The impacts on budgets, reporting and IT delivery models. When economic times are hard there[...]

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Getting private cloud to play nicely

By Dale Vile We were surprised at the strength of positive sentiment and relative lack[...]

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Playing the SLA long game

By Dale Vile When IT is your day job it’s easy to lose sight of[...]

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From virtualisation to private cloud

Lots of people are talking about private cloud as the next natural step from virtualisation.[...]

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Private Cloud Forecast – Sunny or Stormy times ahead for CIOs?

Businesses are still operating under enormous economic pressure and, as would be expected, this continues[...]

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Analyst Headlines: Accelerating Cloud Adoption

Andrew Buss explains how enterprise drivers and aspirations will shape cloud adoption and the opportunity[...]

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Behind the Headlines: Accelerating Cloud Adoption

Andrew Buss explains how enterprise drivers and aspirations will shape cloud adoption and the opportunity[...]

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Analyst Headlines: Securing the Access

Andrew Buss discusses the impact of the mega trends such as the Consumerization of IT[...]

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Behind the Headlines: Securing the Access

Andrew Buss discusses the impact of the mega trends such as the Consumerization of IT[...]

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Analyst Headlines: Securing the Wide Area

Andrew Buss discusses how security needs to become embedded and automated within the network and[...]

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Behind the Headlines: Securing the Wide Area

Andrew Buss discusses how security needs to become embedded and automated within the network and[...]

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Unilever adopts new technology to drive agile infrastructure delivery

Andrew Buss speaks with Garry Meaburn, the operations effectiveness and tooling manager at Unilever and[...]

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BPM from back office to front office and beyond

Are you tough enough to take on BPM and win? Someone has to. It has[...]

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Selected highlights from IBM UK Impact 2012, London

Websphere and beyond On June 12th, IBM Southbank hosted a one-day version of its Impact[...]

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Private Cloud and IT Service Delivery

By Martha Bennett, Tony Lock & Dale Vile Key Points IT funding is under stress,[...]

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The Links between Public and Private Cloud

By Martha Bennett and Tony Lock Key Points ‘Cloud’ concepts are widely understood, but practical[...]

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Beware of what you ask – you might just get the answer

One of the perils inherent in Big Data projects About 20 years ago, we were[...]

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Desktop Virtualization

Desktop virtualization has progressed from a niche way of handling exceptional user requirements to a[...]

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Private Cloud in Context

To make sense of private cloud, you need unravel it from the broader cloud computing[...]

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Energy Aware Planning and Decision Making

Energy availability and management is increasingly becoming an important agenda item for IT leaders, but[...]

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Working smarter, not harder

What options are there to help people work together more effectively? The emergence of new[...]

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Seven enablers of effective disaster recovery for SMEs

By Tony Lock In a nutshell: Recent research carried out by Freeform Dynamics identified seven[...]

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Your office in the cloud – dream or nightmare?

Considerations for SaaS-based email and office productivity tools Why go to all the trouble of[...]

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Time to assess the value of the data you hold

Failing to do so could be costly There’s no need to rattle off another set[...]

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Office 365 in the real world

A run through of precisely what it takes to move your business productivity apps to[...]

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Delivering better services with integrated management

What’s in it for IT professionals? When systems are implemented and managed in isolation, it[...]

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Conducting the trio, not orchestrating a symphony

Tunes to get you started ’Dynamic workload management’ and ’private cloud’ are just two of[...]

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IT Infrastructure Management Must Move with the Times

The technologies and solutions used in the IT infrastructure have changed dramatically over the years,[...]

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Six common impediments to effective IT change management

We at Freeform Dynamics have been running surveys and interactive workshops with The Register’s readership[...]

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Fast Forward to Big Data

Does ’cloud’ have a roll in providing customers with access to new data sources to[...]

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Readers tell us why implementing change is so hard

Readers have provided some great feedback during our latest workshop on a topic that has[...]

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Managing IT like a (service) pro

Organisations are often told that running their IT as a service would be the right[...]

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The Consumerisation of IT – exposing a few myths

Ignoring key trends could be harmful to corporate health Is it really true that organisations[...]

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Stop fighting fires and start managing change

It’s treating the root cause of rigidity that really matters For most of the past[...]

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Turning virtualisation into advantage

Freedom to move, not bogging things down The road to hell, they say, is paved[...]

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Banging your head against the invisible wall

Has virtualisation really moved the game forward? OK, so you’ve virtualised a bunch of servers[...]

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Martha Bennett and Kieran Hines at Intellect

In this podcast interview, Martha Bennett shares her thoughts on some of the key challenges[...]

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Virtualisation roadblocks: From sprawl to stall

A prompt to move to the next level of management? The early days of x86[...]

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IT financing is not a deal saver

But it is a great sales tool if introduced early enough (This article was originally[...]

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Is Big Data just Big Hype?

If the deluge of headlines and vendor marketing materials is anything to go by, ‘big[...]

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SaaS based Email and Office Productivity

Over the course of many months there has been considerable coverage of ‘Cloud’ based office[...]

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Understanding desktop virtualisation

Looking after an organisation’s estate of desktop and laptop PCs can be a difficult and[...]

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User Virtualization – Moving beyond device-centric computing

When business IT was young and channel partners had plenty of hardware margins to play[...]

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Information management: technology investment pays off

Obtaining budget for new technology investments can be a difficult exercise at the best of[...]

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Storage Through the Looking Glass

Talk of storage technology makes business people yawn, but the state of the storage infrastructure[...]

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The Business of Electronic Data Storage

By Dale Vile, Tony Lock and Martha Bennett Introduction Storage and retrieval of electronic data[...]

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Beyond device-centric computing: Breaking barriers to enable productivity

In this webinar, Martha Bennett of Freeform Dynamics and Harry Labana of AppSense discuss the[...]

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Rising to the information management challenge

In a world of increasingly devolved decision making, few would disagree that it’s important to[...]

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Getting to grips with SMB resilience

It is recognised across almost all companies that disasters or major events can interrupt business[...]

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Winners and losers in the information race

The mainstream media generally portrays the financial services industry as being in a total mess,[...]

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RIM changes its leadership, but not its course

On January 23rd, 2012, Research in Motion (RIM) announced Thorsten Heins as President and CEO.[...]

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The secrets of effective disaster recovery

There’s no magic bullet, but there’s a formula Many IT and business executives groan when[...]

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Amazon AWS Direct Connect hits the UK

Last week was extremely busy, so the first I heard of Amazon’s Direct Connect service[...]

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Closing the SMB security gap

It’s got the point where the majority of small and medium businesses (SMBs) take the[...]

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SaaS based Email and Office Productivity Tools

If you have an old email server in need of an upgrade or have calls[...]

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Operating Models in Context

By Dale Vile Change is a fact of life in business, but it’s generally not[...]

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Enterprise social media revisited

Over the last three or four years, many have been advocating the use of social[...]

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Unlock the business value of your information

Stakeholders are increasingly looking to get information ’on demand’ to regulatory bodies; seeking more complex[...]

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Supporting user-centric computing

User virtualization can make life easier for IT and end users alike Few would dispute[...]

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Bridging the information gap

The pace at which modern business tends to move has resulted in a situation where[...]

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Building tech for the flexible worker

Remote workers need support and training. The IT department needs to secure their devices and[...]

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Big data in Context

Audience – IT & Business professionals Occasion – TheRegister:IntelAcademy, 22nd November 2011 Presenter(s) – Martha[...]

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Moving Information Management Forwards

By Tony Lock & Dale Vile Locating and accessing information required to run the business[...]

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The storage boom and bust cycle

More data more often than not means more disks. It was ever thus – but[...]

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The consumerisation of IT: it’s a trickle, not a tide, but you still need to be ready

If media headlines and vendor claims are to be believed, organisations today are faced with[...]

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IT is the least of the problems – but can it improve business change?

A lot of time and column inches have been spent over the years looking at[...]

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Clouds for hire

Is it effective to build out a network infrastructure to handle all workloads, rather than[...]

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Challenging the big change agenda

Marketing people and management consultants love the words ‘transformation’ and ‘innovation’. As you listen to[...]

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A View from Above the Clouds

Audience – IT & Business professionals Occasion – IAP Symposium, 14th October 2011 Presenter(s) –[...]

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The Consumerisation of IT (Slides)

Audience – IT & Business professionals Occasion – VMUG Meeting, Leeds, October 2011 Presenter(s) –[...]

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The Consumerisation of IT

With so many people excited about ‘bring your own device’ and easily accessible cloud services,[...]

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Use of social media by analysts and analyst relations professionals

I recently had the pleasure of attending an event run by the Institute of Industry[...]

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Defining the Business Change Agenda

Transformation and innovation are often worthy objectives for change initiatives, but business people tell us[...]

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The Business Information Illusion

By Dale Vile KEY POINTS The pace of business today dictates devolved management and decision-making[...]

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Will SaaS make you more efficient?

SaaS might give you more availability, it might cut your capital costs, and it might[...]

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User productivity: Achievable goal, or mission impossible?

The role – and limits – of technology as an enabler of productivity gains ‘Productivity’,[...]

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Rumours of the PC’s death are greatly exaggerated

By Martha Bennett If recent headlines are anything to go by, the days of the[...]

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The fog of software licensing: dissatisfaction reigns – even in clouds

There are some things in life that you just have to get on with, and[...]

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Don’t be fooled

By Tony Lock If one were to believe even a tenth of the marketing messages[...]

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The importance of mutual understanding: A faster track to business alignment and satisfied users

Here at Freeform Dynamics we’re renowned for advocating a service centric approach to IT. The[...]

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Making the most of licence flexibility

A few months ago we highlighted the difficulties that many companies have when it comes[...]

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End User Productivity Revisited

Despite the plethora of ‘productivity solutions’ available from IT suppliers, why is it that real[...]

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Software Licensing and Subscription

By Tony Lock KEY FINDINGS Few organisations know what software they are using The vast[...]

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Are you slaving away on the wrong projects?

Get your priorities straight One of the hardest decisions that the IT department faces was[...]

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The impact of Cloud on IT

By Andrew Buss and Dale Vile KEY POINTS Cloud is complementary to existing IT infrastructure[...]

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End-to-end service assurance

It may not always seem like it, but wherever IT is responsible for providing applications[...]

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Complexity killed the IT quality of service …

“Ring, ring…” “IT support. How can I help you?” “The system’s really slow. It’s taking[...]

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Service management: we are all judged on service delivery

All IT departments are judged on the basis of service delivery, whether they work that[...]

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The how and why of virtualising core business applications

When it come to virtualisation and private cloud, it seems that IT is happy to[...]

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Marketing, selling and listening: essential elements of the IT skills set

There’s nothing new in the concept of IT marketing or selling itself to the business,[...]

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Cloud Connectivity

By Andrew Buss KEY POINTS Connectivity is not widely perceived to be a major barrier[...]

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Apples and Oranges – Are people really comparing like with like on the question of Mac versus Windows?

A couple of weeks ago, I had occasion to spend some time on a 4-5[...]

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Does Office 365 keep its promises?

Running your email and office applications in the cloud is not a new idea; Google[...]

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Business adoption of mobile devices

By Dale Vile Some of the most rapid and exciting developments in technology are taking[...]

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Agile Development – The reality behind the philosophy

Business people often complain that IT projects take too long and deliver results that fall[...]

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Cloud today, tomorrow, not yet

Given all the hype and conjecture recently, we could be forgiven for thinking that we[...]

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Cloud Computing Checkpoint

By Dale Vile KEY POINTS Views of cloud computing are wide, varied and often contradictory[...]

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Licensing in the virtual age

By Andrew Buss Having sat through countless vendor cloud pitches, there seems to be an[...]

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Mobile Computing Checkpoint

By Dale Vile & Andrew Buss KEY FINDINGS Tales of the laptop PC’s death are[...]

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Consumerism and productivity Part 1: Do users really know what technology is best for business?

Let me put my cards on the table. I do not, repeat not, subscribe to[...]

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Consumerism and productivity Part 2: How to deal with employees’ devices in the workplace

In the first part of this discussion, I covered the hard reality of consumerisation and[...]

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Information is a right, not a privilege

By Dale Vile Organisations today rely on effective management of business performance at all levels.[...]

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Compliance: The legal landscape and how to navigate it

Every IT professional recognises the im­portance of securing the IT systems on which critical business[...]

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Cloud and Storage

By Tony Lock The topic of “Cloud” has not escaped the attention of anyone in[...]

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The other enterprise desktop

There are few topics in the IT industry that are more divisive than the option[...]

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Rationalising software licencing in the virtual age

It was only a few weeks ago that we raised the topic of software licencing[...]

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A road warrior’s experience with the iPad

Tales from 10 months of trial and error I have now been an iPad user[...]

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The Royal Mail moves to the cloud

Private cloud is a nice theory, but what does it translate to in practice when[...]

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Negotiating your way to a dynamic IT environment

That thorny question of software licenses The principle of server virtualisation is now pretty well[...]

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Cloud Service Categories

There are many ways to classify cloud service offerings. The most basic is to relate[...]

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The workload challenge

Today, IT Infrastructure is evolving at a tremendous pace. The Mainframe computer, now often referred[...]

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Decision criteria for open source and proprietary software

The selection of operating systems was once one of the major decisions IT managers had[...]

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The mainframe comes of age … again?

Economic pressure has led to more finance directors and CFOs scrutinising expenditure to a painstaking[...]

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Visualisation into action

Do you have lots of data but find it difficult to work out what it[...]

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PaaS potential and practicality: This is a hype-free zone

One of the advantages of using Platform as a Service (PaaS) to develop and deploy[...]

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Getting to grips with software licencing

IT is becoming more embedded within the business, with more use of IT for business[...]

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The realities of SaaS and Security

With upgrades to Windows 7 and Office 2010 high on the agenda, questions are being[...]

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Data Centre Orchestration webcast

In this Webinar Tony Lock, Tim Phillips (The Register), Graham Rushton (Avenade) and Greg Charman[...]

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Where is the immediate cloud opportunity?

Let’s get specific Pinning the term ‘cloud computing’ down to a single definition is not[...]

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Cloud computing in context

Audience – IT & Business professionals Occasion – BCS Meeting, Leeds, July 2010 Presenter(s) –[...]

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The Consumerisation of IT

Audience – IT & Business professionals Occasion – BCS Meeting, Leeds, October 2010 Presenter(s) –[...]

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The automation conundrum

By Andrew Buss Our research tells us that the move to virtualisation on volume servers[...]

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Who say Management and SaaS don’t mix?

Management in IT is a challenge for many organisations. Integrated management is a tough nut[...]

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Applied Desktop Virtualisation

By Tony Lock & Dale Vile KEY FINDINGS With desktop refresh now on the agenda,[...]

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Buying into the cloud

A lot of companies are reporting that individual departments and even business users are adopting[...]

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Next generation systems management

By Andrew Buss Complex environments undergo continual upheaval. For many businesses, although the IT infrastructure[...]

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Desktop Virtualisation

By Tony Lock Desktop management has long been an almost “taboo” subject in most businesses.[...]

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Moving beyond consolidation: The steps towards a private cloud

Many companies have essentially completed their migration to server virtualisation. The next challenge is moving[...]

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Why does information management matter?

Getting the right information to the right people at the right time sounds like a[...]

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What is the point of End Point Protection?

How we should be protecting our PCs Security threats have existed for almost as long[...]

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Desktop virtualisation: One size doesn’t fit all

The many solutions to be found under the term ’Desktop Virtualisation’ have been vigorously promoted[...]

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The changing shape of the desktop

By Josie Sephton, Dale Vile & Tony Lock KEY FINDINGS The desktop environment is ready[...]

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Working smarter, not harder: An alternative to the 25-hour day

The word ‘productivity’ is widely used in the industry, but what does it actually mean?[...]

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We spent how much? Budget overruns needn’t be normal

According to the grassroots campaigning group the Taxpayers’ Alliance, overruns in UK government IT projects[...]

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When IT projects go right – How not to stuff it up

There is a vast difference between running a project and running one successfully, as a[...]

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IT Services and Systems Management

By Andrew Buss KEY FINDINGS The passive evolution of systems and tools has led to[...]

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What’s the real deal on cloud?

Back to basics on what cloud computing is really about – what’s real, what’s not,[...]

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Shaping your next desktop upgrade

The economic downturn caused many companies to delay their desktop and notebook refresh plans, but[...]

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Lithium helped the penny to drop

A more tangible take on social CRM While I go about my business as an[...]

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Applied Cloud Computing

By Dale Vile and Tony Lock Introduction The term ‘cloud computing’ is one of the[...]

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The True Cost of Desktop Support

Desktop support is something every organisation does using a variety of tools, people and processes,[...]

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CIOs and ’Data Protection’

By Tony Lock The rapid growth in the amount of stored data means that the[...]

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Data encryption adoption represents a significant opportunity

By Andrew Buss Data protection continues to be a top of mind subject for many[...]

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Are you delivering IT and creating wiggle room?

According to Freeform Dynamics research, many IT departments are seeking to become better aligned with[...]

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Automation – one step closer to lights out?

In an earlier article in this workshop we considered the challenges associated with procuring system[...]

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Mixing mobile business with pleasure

By Josie Sephton The issue of personal use of company mobiles, and its cost to[...]

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The Time has come for “Chargeback”

Ever since the industrial revolution there have been periods when businesses have prospered simply on[...]

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Managing IT and business risk in the times of eroding enterprise boundaries

Managing risk in business has always been more of an art form than a science.[...]

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Systems monitoring: what’s possible, and what really happens

IT increasingly plays a pivotal role in business processes. The importance of systems to the[...]

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Improving Systems Agility

By Dale Vile One of the most common complaints heard from business people about the[...]

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Life after cloud computing

By Dale Vile Have you ever wondered what we will be left with once the[...]

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Managing a virtual desktop environment

In a previous article in this series we highlighted growing interest in deploying virtual desktop[...]

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Desktop virtualisation: why, how, and how much?

As anyone who has started down the path will confirm, desktop virtualisation is not a[...]

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How can IT shake off the negativity? Get feedback from the business

Usually when we think of IT performance, we focus on the physical. We ask questions[...]

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Collaboration, complexity and compliance

The trouble with some terms we use in IT is that they take on a[...]

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The significance of’s ’Chatter’ to me is a bit like the boy who cried ‘Wolf!”. Every press release[...]

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Thinking Beyond the Clouds

By Jon Collins and Dale Vile A number of trends are having an impact on[...]

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Sugaring the pill

Apple, as a computer company, has been focused on the consumer market. It has paid[...]

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Are your project timescales shrinking?

When did the two-year project lifecycle die? In my head, I put it at just[...]

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Videoconferencing: coming to a company near you?

This article is hosted on an external website. Please click here to view it in[...]

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The Business of Interoperability

By Dale Vile and Jon Collins ‘Interoperability’ is a widely used word in IT industry[...]

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BI 2010 – the state of play

By Jon Collins Information continues to grow, and yet the challenges we face in managing[...]

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Let’s hear it for service centricity

An elderly lady attended a public lecture given by an astrophysicist on how the Earth[...]

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iPad: First impressions of a sceptic

Anyone who has followed my jottings over the years will know that I am an[...]

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Bring your own PC

The rise of ‘consumer’ expectations in the workforce is driving some organisations to think up[...]

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Unified communications in context?

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could wipe the slate clean and install a brand[...]

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Getting on top of change management

One of the first articles I ever had to write as an analyst was about[...]

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Putting ’I’ back in ’CIO’

Nice sound bite, but does the spirit make sense? On a few occasions recently I[...]

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Making sense of the new business of IT

You may be heartily sick of hearing that ‘change is the only constant’, ‘everything’s getting[...]

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Videoconferencing: coming to a company near you?

It is probably fair to say that the likelihood of videoconferencing becoming mainstream in the[...]

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Delivering on data governance – Making sure IT’s glass is half full

Data governance can be dismissed as ‘applied common sense’, or balked at as an impossible[...]

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The software licensing minefield

Software vendors make their money from licensing software for individual and corporate use. From the[...]

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Evolution of Hosted Server Computing

by Dale Vile There has been much talk and activity in the industry recently around[...]

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Cloud Confusion

By Tony Lock In this article we revisit some research conducted in 2008, covering perceptions[...]

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Driving value from IT

Audience – IT decision makers Occasion – CA Mainframe Madness May 2010 Presenter(s) – Jon[...]

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Focus on business challenges, not technology innovations

The IT industry really does bring out the best and worst traits of human nature.[...]

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Ensuring availability in a changing world

Roughly speaking, availability management is what your business does to ensure IT services stay up[...]

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The joy of software licensing on the desktop

One of the joys of working as a manager of desktop and laptop systems is[...]

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Service management best practice. Is your future really in a book?

Whenever IT best practice for service management gets a mention, we tend to think of[...]

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It’s the data that drives us. An alternative view of software rationalisation and retirement.

In business, the phrase ‘change is constant’ may be a tad overused but it is[...]

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Using systems management tools in IT security

Every IT professional recognises the importance of securing the IT systems that are now at[...]

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But is that really cloud? Check out this survey

Some have accused me of being a cloud computing sceptic, and it’s true that I[...]

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But is that really cloud computing?

By Dale Vile The term ‘cloud computing’ is in routine use within the IT industry.[...]

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IT governance: Making the case without cutting your throat

‘IT governance’ sounds like a grandiose idea, but what is it? In simplest terms, it’s[...]

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What’s in store for availability management?

Roughly speaking, availability management is what your organisation does to ensure IT services stay up[...]

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Search: What are you looking for?

By Martin Atherton In the very real world of business IT, the concepts, topics and[...]

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Building high availability into IT

What does ‘high availability’ actually mean in the context of IT today? We’ve written elsewhere[...]

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Mobile users and personal devices

Business today is a very different beast to that of just five years ago, and[...]

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Managing the distributed workforce

While the principles of managing a distributed workforce may not have changed much, user expectations[...]

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Organisational change and IT

It is great to theorise about all the good things IT can bring. Indeed, a[...]

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The IT management dashboard

Our research in the IT management domain has helped us establish a few basic truths.[...]

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The user view of IT delivery

It would be odd to hear from an IT pro who didn’t have ‘demanding users’,[...]

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Architecting for IT service delivery

A few years back I was involved in a project that turned out far more[...]

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Supporting the teleworkers: Redux

The issue of providing IT support to home-based users always attracts a lot of responses[...]

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Should all hard drives be encrypted?

Given the origins of computing in the coding and decoding of messages, it’s fair to[...]

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What does YOUR IT crystal ball say?

Here’s a question for you. Is change really afoot in the way your organisation ‘does’[...]

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Change management in x86 server estates

Changes to the IT environment are the source of some of the biggest headaches for[...]

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Is IT service delivery really changing?

The new world we’ve been hearing about for years is slowly drifting into focus. Globally[...]

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Business Communications in Context

by Josie Sephton and Dale Vile The proliferation of communications channels has set expectations around[...]

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Are CIOs ready to use cloud computing?

By Tony Lock Seldom in the history of IT have CIOs faced a marketing barrage[...]

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What personality is your IT department?

Over the years I’ve spent quite a lot of time thinking about the idea of[...]

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Dedication to regulation

By Martin Atherton Regulation is a fact of life and business. The signs are that[...]

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Virtualisation and Security

As x86 / x64 server virtualisation moves into everyday operations, what impact does it have[...]

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IT trends: Don’t get distracted by the spaniel

For better or for worse, we are the owners of a mad Welsh Springer spaniel[...]

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Infrastructure Consolidation

By Tony Lock Research results obtained by Freeform Dynamics towards the end of 2009 show[...]

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Can IT Financing and Management Models Survive IT Change?

By Tony Lock In a nutshell: The models used for businesses to create IT budgets[...]

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How do you manage service levels in a virtualised environment?

In previous research projects we’ve examined the impact of service level monitoring and management, and[...]

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Social wariness is wise for business

A colleague pulled me up with a start the other day when I was talking[...]

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Mid-market management software

By Jon Collins, Tony Lock and Dale Vile IT management tools are finally, after many[...]

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Does business social networking really need IT?

Are you wrestling with the idea of bringing social networking (choose your own preferred term)[...]

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What is service management?

This 60-minute webcast features Martin Atherton and Tony Lock, who donning business and IT hats[...]

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Evolution of Dynamic IT

by Dale Vile and Tony Lock Against the backdrop of an increasingly fast moving and[...]

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Pricing the fluffy stuff

By Josie Sephton Cloud really is the new black, and it is hard to get[...]

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Social computing – start small, think big

By David Tebbutt Don’t be afraid of social networking collaboration tools in the office. Your[...]

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Give workers a say in corporate IT

There can be little doubt that the personal and domestic use of technology has had[...]

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The Register Buzz Report

In association with The Register According to a research survey conducted with The Register readership[...]

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Perception versus reality in IT

By Tony Lock In the world of information technology there is the impression that everything[...]

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Making sense of energy

By David Tebbutt Have you started getting the energy bills for your department yet? What[...]

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The strategic upside of power accountability

By Dale Vile Research conducted by Freeform Dynamics a year ago suggested that the majority[...]

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Making IT Work In The Real World

Most organisations run a mix of systems in their IT infrastructure. One of the challenges[...]

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Moments of Need

by Josie Sephton and Dale Vile With high speed networks, sophisticated devices and a myriad[...]

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SOA and Growth Markets

by Jon Collins and Dale Vile KEY FINDINGS SOA is as relevant in growth economies[...]

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BT and Cloud

By Dale Vile While the cloud computing market is in its infancy at the moment,[...]

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Clarity on Cloud

By Dale Vile A senior exec from a major IT vendor recently commented in a[...]

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Challenging the cloud revolution

By Dale Vile Some niche and emerging enterprise IT suppliers, such as, Google and[...]

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The business value of social software

by David Tebbutt At Lotus/IBM’s Lotusphere the words ’business value’ were repeatedly uttered by keynote[...]

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A coherent approach to customer satisfaction

by Josie Sephton The need for greater customer centricity is an increasingly high priority for[...]

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The Economic Downturn and IT Service Delivery

by Tony Lock The economic outlook for many organisations has taken a decidedly frosty turn,[...]

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The Business Service Management Imperative

by Jon Collins What is Business Service Management, anyway? Business Service Management (BSM) has been[...]

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WAN Optimisation

There is a lot of talk concerning ’Cloud services’. But what are some of the[...]

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Enterprise 2.0 and the issue of workforce composition

Following on from my previous post on the importance of social media enthusiasts breaking out[...]

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IT Delivery in the Downturn

by Dale Vile and Tony Lock KEY POINTS Most IT professionals see challenges on the[...]

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BPM: lessons from the real world

by Martin Atherton, Jon Collins and Dale Vile Is business process management a cure-all for[...]

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Taking cloud to the mainstream

by Dale Vile The hype around cloud computing is pretty intensive. The IT industry and[...]

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Service Orientation in Business

by Jon Collins KEY FINDINGS While change is a certainty in business, some still struggle[...]

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Secure USB

by Jon Collins When the USB standard was first launched, few would have imagined the[...]

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Risk and Resilience

The application availability gamble The modern business is highly dependent on IT. When systems go[...]

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New technologies, new risks

by Jon Collins The future of IT security seems like a straightforward discussion – focused,[...]

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Cloud Computing: Silver lining…

by David Tebbutt Since so many people are talking about cloud computing, it really wouldn’t[...]

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Why IT must escape the belt-tightening

by Martin Atherton Negative vibes have a habit of becoming reality. The higher cost of[...]

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Systems management hits impasse

by Martin Atherton Most of what the IT department does these days can be rationalised[...]

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The Outsourcing Force

by Jon Collins What does the future of development outsourcing look like? Freeform Dynamics has[...]

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IT on the front foot

by Jon Collins and Dale Vile A number of new and established approaches to IT[...]

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The Register Buzz Report

In association with The Register IT buyers’ views of technology vendors are shaped by a[...]

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Relieving the Systems Management Burden

by Martin Atherton The management of operational IT is not without its challenges, indeed it[...]

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IT Management Checkpoint

by Martin Atherton Existing IT management strategies have enabled organisations to take control of their[...]

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Life in the SaaS lane

by Dale Vile Evangelists will tell you that Software as a Service (SaaS) is the[...]

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IT and the Environment: Part 1

by David Tebbutt Call it green, call it sustainability, call it environment, the name doesn’t[...]

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IT and the Environment: Part 2

by David Tebbutt Say ’green’ to most enterprise IT suppliers and they fire back with[...]

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IT and the Environment: Part 3

by David Tebbutt Let’s be clear about one thing, if the developing world wants to[...]

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Mobility and Connectivity

by Jon Collins and Dale Vile During the middle part of 2007, Freeform Dynamics ran[...]

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Evaluating Mobile Email Solutions

by Dale Vile   Now that mobile email is moving into the mainstream, with technology[...]

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Delivering Effective IT Support

A Business Management Perspective

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Managing Access Securely

Authentication that works for the evolving organisation

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