Category Archives: IT Strategy/Transformation

Why does information management matter?

Getting the right information to the right people at the right time sounds like a[...]

What is the point of End Point Protection?

How we should be protecting our PCs Security threats have existed for almost as long[...]

Desktop virtualisation: One size doesn’t fit all

The many solutions to be found under the term ’Desktop Virtualisation’ have been vigorously promoted[...]

The changing shape of the desktop

By Josie Sephton, Dale Vile & Tony Lock KEY FINDINGS The desktop environment is ready[...]

Working smarter, not harder: An alternative to the 25-hour day

The word ‘productivity’ is widely used in the industry, but what does it actually mean?[...]

We spent how much? Budget overruns needn’t be normal

According to the grassroots campaigning group the Taxpayers’ Alliance, overruns in UK government IT projects[...]

When IT projects go right – How not to stuff it up

There is a vast difference between running a project and running one successfully, as a[...]

IT Services and Systems Management

By Andrew Buss KEY FINDINGS The passive evolution of systems and tools has led to[...]

What’s the real deal on cloud?

Back to basics on what cloud computing is really about – what’s real, what’s not,[...]

Shaping your next desktop upgrade

The economic downturn caused many companies to delay their desktop and notebook refresh plans, but[...]

Lithium helped the penny to drop

A more tangible take on social CRM While I go about my business as an[...]

Applied Cloud Computing

By Dale Vile and Tony Lock Introduction The term ‘cloud computing’ is one of the[...]

The True Cost of Desktop Support

Desktop support is something every organisation does using a variety of tools, people and processes,[...]

CIOs and ’Data Protection’

By Tony Lock The rapid growth in the amount of stored data means that the[...]

Data encryption adoption represents a significant opportunity

By Andrew Buss Data protection continues to be a top of mind subject for many[...]

Are you delivering IT and creating wiggle room?

According to Freeform Dynamics research, many IT departments are seeking to become better aligned with[...]

Automation – one step closer to lights out?

In an earlier article in this workshop we considered the challenges associated with procuring system[...]

Mixing mobile business with pleasure

By Josie Sephton The issue of personal use of company mobiles, and its cost to[...]

The Time has come for “Chargeback”

Ever since the industrial revolution there have been periods when businesses have prospered simply on[...]

Managing IT and business risk in the times of eroding enterprise boundaries

Managing risk in business has always been more of an art form than a science.[...]

Systems monitoring: what’s possible, and what really happens

IT increasingly plays a pivotal role in business processes. The importance of systems to the[...]

Improving Systems Agility

By Dale Vile One of the most common complaints heard from business people about the[...]

Life after cloud computing

By Dale Vile Have you ever wondered what we will be left with once the[...]

Managing a virtual desktop environment

In a previous article in this series we highlighted growing interest in deploying virtual desktop[...]