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Why mobile data quality matters

We’ve been tolerant of mobile operator service problems because our expectations are low; no one[...]

Apple in the Workplace

This report is in annotated PowerPoint format (PDF’d). It summarises the results of an online[...]

Conference keynotes, and the gulf between simple and complex

Another day, another keynote. This time it’s Microsoft TechEd in New Orleans, and Bob Muglia[...]

Happy with your mobile provider?

It seems that mobile operators are doing something right. According to the results from our[...]

Mobile: what they need – and what they want

Many years ago an IT manager, responding to one of our research studies, said one[...]

Supporting multinationals – are mobile operators really up to the job?

Historically, the perception of mobile operators in the eye of large multinationals has been variable,[...]

When desktop security is a remote possibility

The readers of The Register, have told us that supporting users is fraught with problems.[...]

Managing the dung heaps of data

The question “What about the ’I’ in ’IT’?” serves as an equally good reminder of[...]

The challenges of On-Demand IT

IT has been central to business operations for a very long time. Is the economics[...]

Holistic, end-to-end, consolidated service management-itis

Many IT professionals see ‘service management’ (or ‘managing services’ if you prefer) as a simple[...]

The emerging cloud alternative

If there’s one thing about the current furore about Cloud Computing that really gets our[...]

Looking back: Software is Art?

The traditional craftsman uses handed down principles and rules of thumb as the basis of[...]

Standards and interoperability: Are you backing the right horse?

IT can sometimes seem like a long, drawn-out process of making things work with each[...]

IT looking forward Video (requires Silverlight)

This article is hosted on an external website. Please click here to view it in[...]

The right path to UC?

Picture this: the pros and cons of going down the Unified Communications (UC) route have[...]

To connect or not to connect?

Following our recent discussion of the pros, cons and practicalities of hooking up your ERP[...]

Power management and carbon footprints, is it important to you?

April 1, 2010 was a not classic All Fools’ day in the UK press, although[...]

What’s new and improving about IT today?

For anyone who has been in IT for a while, all that new and improved[...]

Administrator access: Right or privilege?

Here’s a story, which may or may not be true. A long, long time ago,[...]

The art of optimising VM performance

While it is unfair to say (as many vendors do), that server virtualisation will take[...]

Just how does IT spend its time looking after ERP?

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) packages providing functionality to support core business processes in an integrated[...]

Do ERP projects ever end?

In some organisations, the ERP system represents the biggest single entity within the IT environment.[...]

Dealing with the virtual hype

There are few if any technologies that have garnered as much industry coverage as virtualisation[...]

Telcos to deliver VaaS

This is hilarious or sad, whichever way you look at it. Eyeing the Twitter feed[...]