Author Archives: Freeform Dynamics

Sustainability winner: SOAK

I’m not totally sold on the Microsoft environmental story (hint: lifecycle costs of replacing kit)[...]

Cut print costs and related harm

Last week three reports dropped (digitally) into my lap. They were all on the subject[...]

How ICT can help broad environmental initiatives

For some time, I’ve been banging on about the opportunities for ICT to improve the[...]

Is There a Business Case To Be Made In Favour of Virtualising the Desktop?

If you are looking at desktop/notebook replacement or optimisation now, what are the options and[...]

Home working: does it make sense?

When we did our environmental IT research earlier this year, we looked at how IT[...]

Sustainability is not an add-on or a departmental issue

A curious phenomenon has emerged with environmental action within organisations. For once, the staff appear[...]

Justifying a large scale Vista migration

Over the past couple of months, I have had in-depth conversations with five CIOs that[...]

Going on active service requires a team effort

This article is hosted on an external website. Please click here to view it in[...]

LinkedIn: an espionage tool?

I have no idea why Aladdin Knowledge Systems decided to attack LinkedIn, the business networking[...]

Who controls your personal information?

Doc Searls is a long time blogger, a deep thinker, a co-author of the seminal[...]

Behind the scenes at the National Gallery provides plenty of food for thought.

I recently had the pleasure of attending an event which took a group of analysts[...]

Will software gallop to our rescue?

My first love, apart from my family and close friends, has always been software. I[...]

Cloud Computing: Silver lining…

by David Tebbutt Since so many people are talking about cloud computing, it really wouldn’t[...]

Not If or When, The Question is What?

A few weeks ago I pointed out that IT management tools are finally, after many[...]

Web 2.0 Strategies

Last weekfs Web 2.0 Strategies conference in London brought together people who were anxious to[...]

Why IT must escape the belt-tightening

by Martin Atherton Negative vibes have a habit of becoming reality. The higher cost of[...]

What governance can really mean to business

by Martin Atherton Governance is a term you’ll have heard bandied about a lot, usually[...]

Systems management hits impasse

by Martin Atherton Most of what the IT department does these days can be rationalised[...]

Desktops still have a purpose.

by Jon Collins Desktop computing is where the rubber hits the road, as far as[...]

New technologies, new risks

by Jon Collins The future of IT security seems like a straightforward discussion – focused,[...]

Business Intelligence and the bolting horse

There appears to be a revival of interest in Business Intelligence (BI) among IT vendors[...]

IBM: SOA Far, SOA Good?

It’s been a couple of months since I jumped on a plane back from IBM’s[...]

Asset + IT asset management = enterprise service management. Perhaps.

The IBM Tivoli Pulse event a few weeks ago left me with a clear thought.[...]

Master Process Management? Now, there’s a thought.

One of the most fun debates I have had in recent times was with a[...]