Author Archives: Bryan Betts

Industrial Digital Transformation

On the cutting edge of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

How Agile and DevOps enable digital readiness and transformation

In today’s world, software is everywhere – and it is spreading fast. Once it was[...]

Data Management for a Digital World

Turn GDPR compliance and ransomware defence to your advantage

Time to dump the all-flash scepticism

Analyst opinion When we surveyed several hundred IT professionals on the topic of All-Flash Arrays,[...]

Privacy lessons from the fitness fiasco

Analyst opinion Most of us already recognise that technology has the potential to wipe out[...]

GDPR’s latest gift? Class action privacy cases

Analyst opinion Europeans will in future be able to bring US-style class actions for (alleged)[...]

Getting a grip on the GDPR

Here's our tips on how to plan rather than panic

Microsoft’s Boost for Hyperconvergence

Storage Spaces Direct expands your HCI options

A cloud for all seasons

Open source PaaS ready for prime time?

Building your Cloud Strategy 2.0

Six tips for advantage in the hybrid cloud world

The less-hidden benefits of modern Flash

Let’s go surfing the waves of AFA automation and orchestration Done properly, All-Flash Arrays are[...]

Deciding between normal and software-defined storage

Is dedicated storage still the way to go, or can my server take over this[...]

Six key questions to ask before buying storage

Don’t let a pushy sales rep trap you into an unwise purchase

Data loss and the “I’m alright” fallacy

How your business’s survival could depend on resilient storage

Get your weekends back!

Five ways that modern storage can make the IT pro’s life easier

How can you discuss storage with business people without losing their attention?

Thankfully, the days when IT was seen simply as an unwelcome but necessary cost are[...]

Software Development Methodology Wars

Don’t get caught in the crossfire between evangelists It is in the nature of technology[...]

Don’t Let an Outdated Software Strategy Hold You Back

Yesterdays software delivery processes are not up to dealing with today’s demands, but modernising you[...]

Modern Storage for Small and Mid-Sized Businesses

Advanced solutions deliver SMBs power and simplicity

All-Flash Arrays

All-Flash is becoming ‘the new normal’ in enterprise storage, but is right consider it as[...]

DevOps and Cloud Computing

Many are exploiting cloud computing to drive business advantage, while others are enjoying the flexibility[...]