Author Archives: Dale Vile

How to boost supplier commitment without spending more money

Time to tune into those non-revenue goals

Remember when cloud was going to kill the IT channel?

Throwback Thursday: taking a regular stroll in the Freeform Dynamics archives. 

Business performance management still chasing the real-time dream

Throwback Thursday: This week we are going back to 2007

Self-Service IT Delivery

From opportunity to strategic imperative?

Why I’m uneasy about the Salesforce Slack acquisition

Analyst Opinion: Most coverage on the Salesforce acquisition of Slack has focused on the industry[...]

Covid quick fix payback time

How long will people put up with the emergency fixes?

Defining your SAP modernization journey

Quick wins on the road to S/4HANA

Linux on the Desktop

Throwback Thursday: The first thing that struck me when I re-read our ‘Linux on the[...]

The road to becoming a data-driven business

How ready is your organization for insight-enabled digital transformation?

Modernizing database technology stacks

Remember the storage upgrade option

S/4HANA Revisited

Has the time now come for SAP’s next-generation application environment to go mainstream?

A new perspective on the modern workplace

Forward-looking lessons from real-life pandemic experiences

Safe and Effective Remote Working

Addressing immediate pandemic-related needs while laying foundations for the future

The pandemic and productivity: a Covid-19 conundrum

Analyst Opinion “I’ve never been more productive!” With so many people getting their first experience[...]

Modernize your SAP landscape

The 'no compromise' HCI option

Turning the tables on cloud service providers

Experienced customers are now calling the shots

DevOps needs more perspective and humility

Analyst Opinion DevOps started as a grass-roots movement led by practitioners. The motives were pure,[...]

Mea culpa: Trendy isn’t the same as important

Analyst Opinion I hate it when you realise that your point of reference has been[...]

The economics of old virtualisation platforms

Time to start regarding them as legacy?

Digital workspace disasters and how to beat them

New roles for user management and app deployment in the digital workspace

The Audio Networking Jigsaw

What you need to know as an IT professional